Weigh Day Thursday

For the next 11 weeks (at least) my new weigh in day is Thursday. I started off this morning feeling pretty good but still a little scared as to what the scale would say. I started my Reboot Challenge last week Thursday; did really well Thursday and Friday morning and then... surprise weekend trip out of town with my wonderful man. I have zero self control so nice dinner out lead to midnight hotel snacks which lead to out of town breakfast followed by..... you get it; a very bad weekend. Sunday night back on track and damage control. I wasn't able to make it to the gym Sunday so I did my go to WATP 3 mile workout at home. Felt good to workout again but didn't feel like enough. Wednesday night I crawled into the local YMCA hoping to get some sort of workout done. Tired from a long day and feeling the time crunch of transporting kids to and from I hit the Elliptical. One hour and 4.5 miles later I had finished an amazing workout and felt pretty good.

All of this brings me to the scale Thursday morning.. I took my shoes off and stepped on.. to my surprise I lost 2.4 pounds. With a little bit of pride and a ton of past weekend regret I will take it. Here's to a better week and hopefully additional pounds dropped off forever.


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