
Up and Down the scale goes where it stops no one knows. Since going on vacation I haven't gotten back into working out nor watching my diet. The scale has gone up 2, down 2, up 1, down 2, up 2. This morning I did my weekly weigh in and what do I see 170.2 so up again. Why not?! I am so frustrated and I know it's my fault. I know what to do to lose weight. I know what I am doing wrong. I just can't get back on the bandwagon.

I have three events coming up that I will want to look my best for. The first one is May 12th. (3 1/2 weeks away) We will be having family pictures done. We haven't had family pictures done since 2006. When we did them last time I was sitting at about 190 pounds I think. I am only 20 under that and not happy that I am not closer or at 30 plus. The next event will be my college graduation which is June 8th.(7 1/2 weeks) I ordered my cap and gown staying that I was at my current weight but I would still like to drop another 10/15 pounds by then. The event after that is summer which is basically the same date and I would like to be at about the same weight lose as my graduation hopes. I know I can't drop 10 pounds in 3 weeks for photo's but I couple drop 10 by graduation if I can get my head on straight.


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