
I have recently been asked what type of Circuits I do. Here are a couple of the ones I do and love. There are days that I switch out Elliptical for Treadmill. You could easily run in place or do anything cardio in it's place. The goal is to get your heart rate up. You could also modify the workout to do at home w/o gym equipment. 

#1 Circuit est. 35-40 minutes total time.
Total Body

Crunches on stability ball
Step up's with weights

push-ups on stability ball

10 mins Elliptical warm up

15 step up's with weights
1 min crunches on yoga stability ball
15 push-ups on yoga stability ball
3 mins Elliptical level 5 or higher

15 step up's with weights
1 min crunches on yoga stability ball
15 push-ups on yoga stability ball
3 mins Elliptical level 5 or higher

15 step up's with weights
1 min crunches on yoga stability ball
15 push-ups on yoga stability ball

10 mins Elliptical cool down

#2 Circuit est 40-45 minutes total time. 
Lower Body Focus

10 mins Elliptical warm up

30 lungs with 8 lb medicine ball twist
2 mins step up's w/o weights
15 reps leg press
3 mins Elliptical level 5 or higher

30 lungs with 8 lb medicine ball twist
2 mins step up's w/o weights
15 reps leg press
3 mins Elliptical level 5 or higher

30 lungs with 8 lb medicine ball twist
2 mins step up's w/o weights
15 reps leg press

10 mins Elliptical cool down

#3 Circuit est 35-40 minutes total time
Upper Body Focus

10 mins Elliptical warm up

1 min crunches on yoga stability ball
15 reps lat pulldown machine
15 reps dumbbell bicep curls
3 mins Elliptical level 5 or higher

1 min crunches on yoga stability ball
15 reps lat pulldown machine
15 reps dumbbell bicep curls
3 mins Elliptical level 5 or higher

1 min crunches on yoga stability ball
15 reps lat pulldown machine
15 reps dumbbell bicep curls

10 mins Elliptical cool down

**Most days I add a little extra floor stuff before my cool down. I do leg lifts with a 15 lb weighted bar on my leg. I do bicycle crunches. I do planks. I do about 15 minutes worth. I have shin splints now so I add stretching at the end now with a foam roller.


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