
It has been a long week. My three beautiful children keep me very busy or maybe I keep them busy which in turn keeps me busy.. something like that.. all I know is that I am always busy. We have gymnastics, church, swim lessons, school activities, softball starting, etc., etc. We all the craziness in my life I am trying to find time to workout and being that it's winter in Northern Michigan that means I need to find gym time. Needless to say it's been hard to find enough time to give it 100%; until now.

What has changed you might ask? Well I now have some financial incentive. My little sister stopped by tonight and told me about this site called DietBet. DietBet holds weight loss challenges. You pay $25 and bet to lose 4% of your weight in 28 days. if you can do that you will win the pot divided by all that lose their 4% so at least your $25.

To be honest with you while signing up I though piece of cake.. then I calculated my 4%. I haven't had my official weigh in yet but I figure that 4% should be about 7 pounds. Yikes!!! That is 2 pounds a week. That goal is harder then it might sound. We have weeks that are up and down and lately I have been averaging about 1.25 pounds a week. So not only do I need to do what I have been doing but kick it up by double the effort.

No turning back now.. official weigh in will be on Sunday afternoon. Wish me luck!


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