New Years Resolution

Like most Americans I made a New Years Resolution to lose weight. Same one I make every year, and fail at every year. I have a lot of weight to lose. Even more to reach my personal goal. So with 50 pounds to lose this is my journey. This morning I found a little bit of motivation waiting for me (thanks to a friend). It is a photo of my husband and I taken almost 11 years ago, and 65 pounds lighter. I barely remember that girl but I remember those pants. They were my black slim cut size 5 perfect dress pants. I felt tall (which is a huge deal for someone 5' 2'), slim, and most importantly sexy. 
November 2011
My daughter and I

Looking at myself now I wonder - how did I get this way? How did I allow myself to gain so much weight and not fight to lose it? I am tired of not fighting for MY happiness and MY health. I am fighting for ME.


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