Support System

 Good evening,

Just like so many others I have restarted my diet or "life style change" so many times that I have lost count. As I restart my diet again I think about why I have to. I read all the articles, research some great recipes, stock fridge, pull out workout videos and give myself a pep talk. Monday comes, I'm strong and succeed. Tuesday comes; start strong and darn bad lunch choice. Shoot this day is shot so guess I should give up and try to restart Wednesday. Wednesday morning, you are not feeling it... Maybe Thursday. A couple weeks later I restart the same thinking as before. So what went wrong? 

Things happen. You get invited to lunch. Kids sporting event goes long and quick dinner is needed. You wake up not feeling good, no workout that night. Life happens, so dang now what?!

Mentally I know when life happens, roll, pick up and push on. One bad meal does not need to turn into a week of bad meals or worse yet a month of them. But, even though mentally I know what to do I just don't do. Which leads me full circle.

As I exam all the attempts and fails I have made over the years one thing I have found to be true I can not do this alone. The key to successful weight loss is having a strong support team. This doesn't mean you have to hire trainers, nutritionist and if you don't have a supportive household you can't do it. What this means is you need to build a support system that works for you. Support system can include local support like spouse, friends, coworkers or groups like weight watchers etc. Or support systems can be made up of online friends, groups or a hybrid of both. Once you establish your support use it; lean on it and you will find that bad days can stay as bad days and less likely to become bad months.


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