Reflecting (Early) on the 30's
As I was reflecting back on this past year I started looking back further and further until I reached my 30th birthday. I had so many big plans to make my 30's amazing. See I had spent my 20's making babies, learning how to adult and fine tuning career options and vowed to wow myself in my 30's finding myself. Looking at my 30 things in my 30's list I find myself wondering if I accomplished my goal or if I managed to get further lost in life and if I am still searching for myself.
Let's look at that list and see what still needs done in the next 10 years and maybe some of those items really are less important then they were 10 years ago.
Go roller skating with my kids (Kiddos are not interested in this and I am sure we can find something better.)Have family photo's done(I have taken several)Run a 5K(Memorial Day 2013) adding back to list. Run a 5KWalk around the lake (7 miles)(Summer 2013) adding back to list. Walk around the lake.Run a race of any sort in every state. (ya lets cross this one off as it doesn't excite any longer.)- Go Ziplining
Wear shorts in public(all summer walking the lake 2013)- Buy something sexy to wear
Get a body massage- Build a 90 day emergency savings fund
- Volunteer More
Start a retirement plan- Take a class or lesson
Go Skiing (ya not my thing)- Get my passport
Purchase a new home (we have a home so yup off the list)- Send a message in a bottle
Go hikingMake something new out of something old- Watch the sunrise and set in the same day from the same location
Read 1 book every month for a year.Start recyclingPay off my car- Go on a woman's retreat
- Attend the canoe trip with friends
Take my kids on anairplane(Took kids to Disney World in April 2012)Graduate from college(Done June 8th, 2012)Plant a garden(Summer 2013 with sister)- Lose all my child gained weight
- Complete this list
- Run a 5K
- Walk around the lake.
- Go Ziplining
- Noodle
- Buy something sexy to wear and wear it.
- Build a 90 day emergency savings fund
- Volunteer More
- Take a class or lesson
- Get my passport
- Send a message in a bottle
- Watch the sunrise and set in the same day from the same location
- Go on a woman's retreat
- Attend the canoe trip with friends or river trip period.
- Lose all my child gained weight
- Get married
- Complete this list
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