Body by Vi

Here I go again... Decided that I would attempted to go back to my CICO way of life. I stepped on the scale and wanted to cry; 205.6 pounds. First thought is how did I allow this to happen?! Breaks my heart. It is time to get my butt back to the gym and start taking care of myself again. A friend of mine invited me to join her 90 day challenge with Body by Vi. Why not?! Nothing wrong with adding a shake to my plan and maybe a good ole challenge is all that I need. So today is start day with end day January 15th. Yikes that means I have to make it through all the of the food holidays; Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Like any challenge you have to set a goal. My personal goal is to drop 20 pounds. 20 pounds feels like a huge mountain to climb but I joined the gym, went healthy food shopping and am ready to climb.. today at least. 

My current RMR is 1828 - 1000 diet = 828 = goal 1000 deficit so need to burn 172 daily to reach 2 pound goal. 

Here is to taking care of myself so I am here to take care of the ones I love in the future. 


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