Far From Picture Perfect

Summer is here and is quickly attempting to speed right through to fall. I forgot to find my summer body during this past winter so now I am working in fast pace in hopes to find it before summer events get into full swing. I have come to the realization that I will not find the perfect body I had hoped to find. I am however hoping to find something that makes me feel better about how I look in a swimsuit at least.

As of right now we have 3 picture taking events I am preparing for.

  • First up we have our girls fun color run July 28th. Several months ago I signed my 3 girls, my boy friend Ed's adult daughter Rachel and myself up for the ColorRun 5K. I figured one, it would give me motivation to get my butt moving and drop some weight and two it would be a fun bonding experience for me and the girls. Little did I know it would not provide me with enough motivation to get my butt off the couch and get moving. Now here we are, 7 weeks until the big race day and I have done nothing to prepare myself for it. I am about 25 pounds heavier then I was the last time I ran a 5K. 25 pounds makes a huge difference. We all know that dropping 25 pounds in 6.5-7 weeks is not impossible but it really is not realist for someone like me who has been yo-yo'ing for 2 years. I am however going to shoot for 15 pounds in that time frame. 

Since we found that the race was not enough motivation let's talk about the next item up this summer.

  • Friends annual float the river trip. This item is not only coming up and something that Ed really badly wants to do; it is also one of my 30 while 30 items. The big day is Aug. 4th. Those of you not looking at your calendars that is one week after the run which means I have a little less than 8 weeks to be ready for swimwear weekend. Again I would like to be 25-30 pounds less than I am now but that extra week really isn't going to give me enough time to do that. Just like the first item I will shoot for 15 pounds. I am hoping to pass this goal up though and make it closer to 20. 
Okay, so we are running a race, we are going with some of "his" skinny friends down the river.. what else do I need to get me summer motivated? How about one more item.. 
  • Let's do blended family pictures. Why not?! How about Aug. 11th.. Sure.. So ya that is 9 weeks away. Again this was my idea and it was my way of motivating myself to lose weight. For those of you keeping track at home; I still don't have enough time to drop the 25-30 pounds I want to lose but I feel like I should be able to drop 20 is this time frame. 
So now we have 3 events that all on there own should motivate me to drop weight but if they can't alone they should combined. Plus, if I need another motivator how about the fact that my oldest will be graduating in 2019 and with graduation means plenty of opportunities for photos and I don't want to look back at those pictures and hate the way I look. But, senior year is a whole other posting on another day... Stay tune to read how the summer of motivation is going and find out if I be picture perfect in time. 


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