Vacation is coming!

Going on vacation!!! Can't wait but have so much to do before hand. Let's talk about the exciting things first.. The girls are finally getting excited! Jasmine has been counting down the days. She can't wait until we get to the "castle" (we are going to Disney). Nicole is excited about meeting her grandma (my mother). MiKayla well MiKayla is just now starting to warm up to the idea of being away from her boyfriend and having to spend time with her family. Aaron is excited for warm weather and the rental car. :) I am excited about it all. I take that back I could careless about the rental car. :)

There are a ton of things to do before we go. I need to clean the house.  I need to speak with my friend down the road and see if she will pick up the mail and check in on the cat once or twice for me. With a big sigh... packing. I have no idea what the girls have or don't have. I know I need clothes but not sure it's in the budget for me. Might be jeans the whole time; which isn't a bad thing considering how I feel about the way my legs look. I have lost almost 15 pounds since last summer and not sure if my swimsuit is going to fit or not. I need to try it on. I am afraid to though. Part of me hopes it's too small so that I can feel good about my weight loss. The other part of me says that I can't afford a new one. Also, what if it fits. What does that mean?

Work has been so wonderful about my time off. They have altered my schedule so that I can work 4-10's now (normally we start mid April) so that I don't have to take a vacation day for Friday or Monday. The bad thing is  though that I have to be to work 1/2 earlier and stay 1/2 later. Later doesn't bother me; earlier does. I hate the mornings.

I have a confession. I am worried about gaining weight back. I have worked so hard these past 12 weeks and I am not ready to face temptations.

This weekend

This weekend was wonderful. The weather was amazing. It was so nice out that I forgot to clean the inside of my house. I was able to get out and walk some this weekend though. I walked 2.4 miles Saturday night with a girlfriend and another a couple with the kids Sunday. The odd thing is that my legs hurt this morning. I walk at home with my DVD's almost every night. I walk anywhere from 3-7 miles and never hurt this bad. I don't get it. I am worried about doing a 5K now. Not sure I could handle it. Still time before I need to register so we will see. I want to do an outside 3.2 and see how long it takes me. Maybe tonight even. We will see though, I heard it's suppose to be really nice tonight. Normally 5K is ran in the early am before it gets hot out.

I will keep you posted on all that.


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