Weather-or-Not Workout

Weight Watchers posted this great article called Weather-or-Not Workout and I loved the article but think it's missing a few key points. So here is my version.

There are three major weather types that prevent us from going outside to workout; heat, rain, snow. No matter the forecast working at home is the same, but with a couple possible outdoor twist.

If you usually walk…
  • do an indoor walking DVD. Choose the mileage—from 1- to 5-mile routines—and set your own pace. Their are dozens of options available. I currently have 5 videos, all of which are from the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home collection.
  • go mall walking. Walk, window shop, or lap it before the shops open up. Many malls open early so you can do laps before shoppers arrive. You may even find that some malls have groups that gather to walk before shops open up. I refer to them at "Mall Walkers". If your mall doesn't have a group, look into forming one.
  • strap on snowshoes and head to a trail or golf course or even your backyard. I have heard snowshoeing is easy enough to learn but an amazing workout. It gets your heart rate up so you won’t mind the cold, and exploring the great outdoors can boost your mood.

If you usually run…

  • try water running. Why not jump in a pool and run laps in the shallow end or use a flotation vest or belt to log miles in the deep end. Added toning benefit: Water provides 800 times more resistance than running on land.
  • take an indoor cycling class. Indoor cycling can give you an equally intense lower body workout, says Shea, co-author of Run Like a Mother. The non-impact workout will also give your joints a break, and a competitive class setting might motivate you to push yourself harder. Try taking a spinning class. I have always wanted to try one.
  • do intervals on a treadmill. Alternate short bouts—30 to 60 seconds—of fast or uphill running with slightly shorter recovery intervals at a slower pace and no incline.My husband is currently doing the Couch-to-5K program and is loving it.

If you usually ride a bike…

  • get a trainer. Not a person; the metal kind of trainer that easily transforms an outdoor bike into a stationary cycle. Basic models start at about $100. To really simulate an outdoor ride, set up a fan to blow on you and pop in a Virtual Active DVD ($19.95 or $7.95 to download, The stunning footage of some of North America’s most scenic roads will inspire you.
  • lift weights. Cycling is a lower-body workout, and many cyclists don’t train their arms, shoulders, chest, and back as often as they should. Rainy days are a perfect opportunity to mix up your routine. Grab a set of dumbbells and do some upper body moves such as front and side arm raises, curls, and kickbacks.

If you usually take a boot camp class...

  • pop in a boot camp DVD. You can find a variety at, including 10 Minute Solution: Ultimate Bootcamp, featuring Smith. Each “boot camp” is only 10 minutes, so if you’re short on time or just tired, you can do just one or two of the five routines.
  • create a home version and recruit trainees. Mimic the moves from your regular class and use exercise equipment, chairs, and steps in your home to create stations. Then invite a classmate, your spouse, or kids to join you.

If you usually play tennis…

  • have a virtual match. Whether you have Xbox, PlayStation, or Wii, you can practice your backhand and serve right in your family room. Invite your tennis partner over to join you for more fun.

If you usually swim…

  • do Pilates. It, too, is a total-body toning workout and it gives you a similar elongating feeling. Search online to find a variety of DVDs, such as Element: Total Body Pilates, which is shot poolside.

If you usually play golf…

  • do yoga. The poses build strength and flexibility especially in your abs, back, and hips—key muscles used to swing a golf club. Practice it regularly and you could improve your game.

If you usually lift weights at the gym…

  • shovel snow. Bend your knees like you’re squatting as you scoop up snow. Combined with lifting and throwing, you can get a total body workout while you clear your sidewalk.

If you usually go to exercise classes…

  • turn on Exercise TV. Available on demand or online, you can choose from up to 150 free workouts, including yoga, Pilates, and routines from Freytag, creator of the 10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme System.

If you usually take Zumba…

  • just dance. Crank up your favorite tunes and groove around the house. I am a 90's gal, so for me I put in a few oldies but goodies like some Will Smith - Gettin' Jiggy Wit It or some Quad City DJ's C'mon N Ride It (the train), and you can't forget some B-52's Love Shack.


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