Truck Waterfall
I have always loved water as far back as I can remember. Maybe it was being born in California and spending a large chunk of my childhood on the Oregon coast or maybe it just as simple of the calming sound is makes when in movement. Whatever it is I am at peace when near so it should come to no surprise that when given in opportunity to turn my love of water and vintage junk and Ed's love of old trucks into a beautiful feature in my yard I jumped on it.
A lot of our free time is spent looking for truck parts. This means we are traveling to new places or exploring junk yards any chance we can. During one of Ed's junk yard adventures he came across this really neat 1952 Ford pickup cab. The truck cab was rusty and crusty, missing some things including a hood but had some neat bullet holes. The coolest thing about the cab was that the door had been painted with some ones name on it. Right away when he sent me the pictures I knew we had to have it and turn it into something amazing.
Back in 2018 we were really just starting exterior home renovations that would require the use of heavy equipment aka a backhoe. During our travels across Michigan's Upper Peninsula we had come across this neat yard feature. It was of this old truck cab in far worse shape then ours that had water coming out of hood and going into a pond. From the moment I saw it I knew that was what we needed to do with our truck cab. We heading up to the junk yard first opportunity we could and picked up the cab, and I also found a really neat patina hood (wrong year but really cool) and brought it on home. We spent the rest of that summer looking for the missing cab lights, mirrors, headlight rings etc. Finally; we dug out the hole and positioned the truck. Ed wired the cab and headlights to come on at dusk. Without doing anything else it was already pretty darn amazing. We continued digging out the waterfall stream... that's right we decided a pond less waterfall was just what our space needed. Laid the liner, filled the reservoir and started to dream up how it would be landscaped and the joy it would bring us and others passing by.
By summer of 2019 it was time to start laying out landscaping and trying to navigate waterfall upkeep, leaves and animals... of things that we had not thought of before.
Just like any project over the years since it has evolved, changed, challenged us and it has brought us and the people around us joy. It will continue I am sure...
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