June 30 Day Self-Care Challenge
June 30 Day Self-Care Challenge
For the June 30 Challenge I have decided to challenge myself into really focusing on self-care. I want to be purposeful and mindful of taking care of myself and in turn I hope to see results in other areas of my self and life.
In no particular order here is the list I have come up with:
- Write out three things you love about yourself.
- Do one thing that makes you scared.
- List your favorite part of your body.
- Workout for 30 mins.
- Go on a walk outdoors without your phone.
- Ask three friends to tell you their favorite thing about you.
- Do something that makes you feel special.
- Get dressed up.. even if you have no where to go.
- Write out one quality that makes you unique.
- Eat mindfully all day.
- Complete this sentence: I feel happy when...
- Write out three fears and how you can overcome each.
- Listen to an inspiring podcast.
- Have a day free of social media.
- Declutter your workspace.
- Do something intentional with MiKayla only.
- Do something intentional with Nicole only.
- Do something intentional with Jasmine only.
- Do something intentional with Ed only.
- Practice your favorite hobby.
- Facetime someone special in your life.
- Create a new morning routine.
- Adopt a new good habit.
- Set a new short-term goal.
- Go to bed distraction free.
- Compliment yourself while looking in the mirror.
- Start or pick back up journaling.
- Define what gives you stress.
- Write down one good thing about the day.
- Create a self care kit and share it; explaining why for items.
Alright that is a pretty good list. Some items are easy, others are stressful to think about, and some are inspiring and I wanna do them right now. Looking forward to a good 30 day challenge.
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