June 30 Day Self-Care Challenge

June 30 Day Self-Care Challenge

For the June 30 Challenge I have decided to challenge myself into really focusing on self-care. I want to be purposeful and mindful of taking care of myself and in turn I hope to see results in other areas of my self and life. 

In no particular order here is the list I have come up with: 

  1. Write out three things you love about yourself. 
  2. Do one thing that makes you scared. 
  3. List your favorite part of your body. 
  4. Workout for 30 mins. 
  5. Go on a walk outdoors without your phone. 
  6. Ask three friends to tell you their favorite thing about you. 
  7. Do something that makes you feel special.
  8. Get dressed up.. even if you have no where to go. 
  9. Write out one quality that makes you unique. 
  10. Eat mindfully all day. 
  11. Complete this sentence: I feel happy when... 
  12. Write out three fears and how you can overcome each. 
  13. Listen to an inspiring podcast. 
  14. Have a day free of social media. 
  15. Declutter your workspace. 
  16. Do something intentional with MiKayla only. 
  17. Do something intentional with Nicole only. 
  18. Do something intentional with Jasmine only. 
  19. Do something intentional with Ed only. 
  20. Practice your favorite hobby. 
  21. Facetime someone special in your life. 
  22. Create a new morning routine. 
  23. Adopt a new good habit. 
  24. Set a new short-term goal.
  25. Go to bed distraction free. 
  26. Compliment yourself while looking in the mirror. 
  27. Start or pick back up journaling. 
  28. Define what gives you stress. 
  29. Write down one good thing about the day. 
  30. Create a self care kit and share it; explaining why for items.
Alright that is a pretty good list. Some items are easy, others are stressful to think about, and some are inspiring and I wanna do them right now. Looking forward to a good 30 day challenge. 


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