9 Week Challenge
What is it going to take to get motivated, to get off my butt and take my health seriously? Maybe a 9 week weight loss challenge?!
November 1st it starts. My work place started a 9 week weight loss challenge. The basic challenge premise is as follows:
- $20
- Lose 4% of starting weight
- Split winners pot
Okay so there is more to it then that but I am sure you get the point. Because I believe is putting myself out there and being honest to myself and to you here it goes... it is weigh-in day.
Wow 225.0 pounds, how embarrassing. I am going to try not to pout and cry over it. I did it to myself. I ate the extra candy bar (s). I sat on the couch when I should have been working out. If I was giving myself a pep talk; I'd tell myself to suck it up, get off my butt, put the candy bar down and do what I need to do to drop the weight and regain my healthy happy body. The comfortable couch girl doesn't even know where to start. This week I plan to research, meal prep and shoot to workout 30 mins 3 times this week.
I have 9 pounds to lose by end of the year and it starts with week 1.
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