
     It is starting to get really cold here at nights. Okay so for here 32 is not really cold but it sure feels that way. Hard to believe that in a month we will be hoping to reach 32 during the day. One thing I am not looking forward to is the bundling up of the kids. Takes me 15 mins to find snow gear and get it on them; so that they can head out and play for 5 mins; and it will take me another 15 mins to get them back out of all their gear, hang everything up and make the hot chocolate.

     My morning routine consist of getting ready for work, double checking kids backpacks and then having breakfast with Holly. I love reading about her daily adventures. Her life always seems so exciting. I often sit and wonder if it really is or if she is just a better writer then me. :) I am sure it's both. This morning she wrote about feeling like Fred Flinstone when she runs. I love the analogy even though if she is Fred then my short 5' 2' legs and size 8 1/2 feet make me Barney (maybe Rubble, maybe purple dinosaur). I find myself making daily characacher's of myself. I hate my big feet, my short body, flat hair, long fingers, teenage ache. By the time I am done I am left with a bad self image, instead of how I want to feel... 

     My morning routine consist of getting ready for work, double checking kids backpacks and then having breakfast with Holly. I love reading about her daily adventures. Her life always seems so exciting. I often sit and wonder if it really is or if she is just a better writer then me. :) I am sure it's both. This morning she wrote about feeling like Fred Flinstone when she runs. I love the analogy even though if she is Fred then my short 5' 2' legs and size 8 1/2 feet make me Barney (maybe Rubble, maybe purple dinosaur). I find myself making daily characacher's of myself. I hate my big feet, my short body, flat hair, long fingers, teenage ache. By the time I am done I am left with a bad self image, instead of how I want to feel... 

     To help with this bad self image I have been working out. I am not dropping a TON of weight yet but I am working on it. I have been hitting the gyms a couple times a week and really pushing myself while I am there. It is one thing to go it is another to actually put in the effort. A couple days ago my husband suggest that I start taking fiber so I jumped on the fiber bandwagon and have been drinking my fiber every morning and trying to remember every night. I read up on it and a woman my age should be getting 25 grams of fiber a day. Let's talk a little TMI; are you pooping your banana a day? Dr. Oz says it takes 20 hours to push out what you eat. Without enough water and fiber it can take up to 100 hours which is bad because your food is essentially rotting in your belly. You should poop a banana; shape and texture a day at least but no more than 4 a day. 

     Okay that's enough.. I am off to work. Until next time; happy pooping ;) 



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