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Basement Family Room - Paint and Wood

Paint, wood and finishing touches.. If you missed  Phase 1  and/or  Phase 2  here are some links to go back and see how far this space has come. We looked at several different paint colors.. we knew that we wanted a rustic space with a dark natural look. It came down to two colors; a bright wine color and a sage green color..  We decided on..  SW Rosemary 6187 After paint came wood, wood, wood.. lots of wood. As we moved into the last phase of the family room construction which included staining a lot of boards and I mean a ton of boards. We tried out 12 different stains or stain combinations. We finally settled on two different looks. The lower walls were stained with a 3 equal part stain combination of American English, Pecan, and Ishpeming Pine making a chocolate brown color. We went with Red Cedar 7" wide rough boards. Sadly, the rough texture of the wood and deep color didn't allow for much of the wood grain to shine through but...

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